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My name is... 버니비를 응원해 줘
Artist is... 박정화
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《버니비를 응원해 줘》

· Text / Picture Junghwa Park
Book size: 185mm x 230mm
· Number of pages: 48
· ISBN: 979-11-90007-08-5
Published: April 22, 2020
· Field: Infant 4-6
· KC supplier conformity check: 3 years old or older
· Price: 12,800 won

소수로 살아가는 모든 이들에게 보내는 
인터랙티브 응원 그림책

 "네가 응원해 주면 난 더 특별해질 거야."

토끼 마을 라빌에서 매년 열리는 
'꽃꿀 빨리 마시기 대회'에 처음 나가게 된 버니비. 
여태까지 오직 토끼들만 우승했다는 이 대회에서, 
 토끼도 꿀벌도 아닌 버니비가 도전장을 내민다! 

뭐? 책을 이리저리 돌리면 버니비가 꽃꿀을 빨리 마실 수 있다고? 
우리의 친구 버니비가 우승할 수 있도록 도와줘요! 

따뜻하고 사랑스러운 그림체로
 '다름'의 진정한 의미와 소수에 대한 응원의 메시지를 전달하는 
박정화 작가의 첫 창작 그림책. 

소수로 살아가지만 자신을 자랑스러워하는 버니비가 
독자들에게 말을 걸고 참여를 유도하는 
인터랙티브(상호 작용) 요소가 돋보이는 
아름다운 그림책입니다.

Music picture book that gives dreams and courage to children who start musical instruments
Global musicians had a 'first' as well!

'Sarah Jang', a classical violinist representing the world beyond Korea
'Kiss Jaret', one of the best pianists in existence,
World-renowned jazz guitar player 'Pat Mesny'… …

Did they play musical instruments well since birth?
They are by far the best in their field, but there was definitely a 'first'.
Sarah Chang started to get interested in playing with her father's violin,
Genius piano player Keith Jared also became depressed when a difficult song came out while learning the piano.

Pat Mesny was so addicted to used guitars that he practiced twenty hours a day.
It's never magical that they played musical instruments well.

After a myriad of exercises and patience, I fell in love with an instrument.
In the revised version of “Hi, Little Musician”
Musicians are telling the first meeting of musicians and musical instruments in letter form.

The musicians in the book started music at about the same age as the children's readers who read this book.
But most kids, like these musicians, don't fall in love with musical instruments,
It's easy to get bored or difficult to practice on an instrument.
Perhaps it was because he had no idea why he should learn the instrument.

Hello, Little Musician said to these children, 'Playing musical instruments is not just a thing to do,
It's one of the ways to express yourself and enjoy yourself. '
Music education does not start with learning instruments,
It starts with a natural understanding of the language of music and the world of musicians.

Read the musician's letter with your children and enjoy listening to their music.
You can give your child a chance to have a charming first encounter with music.


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